7 Rights Of Logistics

Logistics come with a history. A history starting from the military. I prefer to start from its origin which conveys the importance and the value of the Logistics. The victory of a war does not depend only on the skilled soldiers in the force. The continuous supply of arms, food, medicines are like the backbone of the soldier to keep going forward in a war. Not having the right supplies at the right time could kill skilled soldiers. Hence, the hard work behind the scene was combined and marked the birth of “Logistics”. “Leaders win through logistics. Vision, Sure. Strategy, yes. But when you go to war, you need to have both toilet papers and bullets at the right place at the right time. In other words, you may win through superior logistics” said Tom Peters. It’s not about the toilet paper and the bullet, it’s about your need. Despite the value of it, despite who needs it, logistics is a must for you to have materials to fulfill your needs. The chartered institute of Logist...